Life’s better when
you’re healthy.

About us
ESWAR-Where care comes first Think of care, Think of Eswar. Our Company is founded with a commitment to provide innovative care and desire to make a meaningful difference in all that we do.
Eswar Therapeutics
is dedicated to delivering high-quality, branded and generic medications trusted by healthcare professionals and patients across the globe.People are our biggest strength, they are continuously nurtured and motivated to become asset for the Organization. Each one at ESWAR is driven by Passion, A Passion to achieve excellence at all the endeavors we do.
One of the leading pharmaceutical companies in India, whose goal is to ensure that no patient shall be denied access to high quality & affordable medicine and support at any point. Our mission is to be a leading global healthcare company which uses technology and innovation to meet everyday needs of all patients. We are among-st India’s fastest growing pharmaceutical companies. Our core focused areas are Diabetology, Cardiology, Gastroenterology and Neurology. We also have significant presence in Vitamins, Minerals and Nutrients.
Caring is central to the work we do and defines our responsibility to those we serve.We strive to earn the trust of those we serve by committing to the highest standards of quality, excellence in personal relationships, and behavior characterized by honesty, fairness and integrity.
Our employees are our first priority and as we believe in them. We would like to see, grow them with us always

Our Presence has a dominant presence in 13 States and UTS of India :
- Chandigarh
- Himachal Pradesh
- Punjab
- Haryana
- Jammu
- Srinagar
- Leh
- Utter Pradesh
- Madhaya Pradesh
- Rajsathan
- West Bengal
- Orissa
- Manipur
- Sikkim
- Bihar
- Jharkhand
- Gujrat
Launching Soon :
- Arunachal pardesh
- Meghalya
- Meghalya
- Mizoram
- Nagaland
- Tripura
- Kerala
- Tamilnadu
- Maharastra
- Andra Pradesh